


Preparing your response to the "Next4Shell"

Join Coalfire and Contrast Security to learn about the latest developments regarding these existing vulnerabilities, and best practices to prepare your organization for the next one.

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix


Accelerating software development with security context

In this webinar, we discuss best practices for using security context as a means to accelerate software development. Learn how an evidence-based approach to prescribing targeted developer security education builds stronger development teams that avoid introducing security vulnerabilities in the first place.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Application security


CMMC 2.0: What we know and how it affects you

The Department of Defense (DoD) issued a long-awaited update to its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program. But what do these changes mean and what compliance actions should contractors take?

  • Compliance