

White Paper

Generative AI in Cybersecurity

GenAI technology has the potential to enhance cybersecurity, but it also poses a significant threat in the hands of cybercriminals. The development and effectiveness of GenAI in assisting cyber adversaries, including lowering the skill level for cyber criminal activities and facilitating other malicious activities, are discussed. The risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for responsible scaling policies (RSPs) to mitigate those risks are also explored. The importance of hardening security postures to prevent theft of model weights is emphasized.

July 18, 2024

  • Cybersecurity


GovForward Panel: Why Collaboration is Essential for FedRAMP ATO

Karen Laughton, Coalfire’s EVP, Cyber Advisory Services, and panelists share their insights in the GovForward panel “Unpacking Agency Sponsorships”. Karen explains that FedRAMP is more than just a set of requirements—it's a collaborative effort that requires strong sponsorships to succeed. 

July 11, 2024

  • FedRAMP®

Data Sheet

Coalfire® Global Services

Coalfire provides a host of global services from compliance services to privacy services to technical testing and solutions engineering.

June 10, 2024

  • Compliance

Case Study

Armis Accelerates Compliance Journey with Coalfire® via AWS Marketplace

Leveraging the power of AWS, Armis has fostered a robust partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) over the past five years. In a strategic move, Armis turned to the AWS Marketplace to procure Compliance Advisory services from Coalfire, aiming to accelerate their compliance journey and expedite time-to-market of their new products. 

May 16, 2024

  • Compliance
  • FedRAMP®