

Data Sheet

Coalfire® Corporate Overview

Services that span the cybersecurity lifecyle including: advisory, compliance, technical testing, and engineering services. Learn more about why Coalfire is a leader in cybersecurity.

April 19, 2022

  • Corporate

Data Sheet

StateRAMP Advisory Services

A standardized, proven approach for cloud service providers pursuing StateRAMP authorization

April 15, 2022

  • Compliance


AppSec Champions Report

In this report, learn about program approaches, best practices, timeline, and resources needed to establish an AppSec Champions program, as well as the ROI and other benefits your company can expect upon implementation.

March 30, 2022

  • Application security

Data Sheet

Coalfire® Compliance Essentials

A next-generation solution for managing compliance, assessments, and risk more easily and efficiently.

March 21, 2022

  • Cloud
  • Compliance
  • Compliance Essentials


Identify and Remediate Application Vulnerabilities with Coalfire ThreadFix®

This ESG Technical Validation examines the Coalfire ThreadFix® application security (AppSec) vulnerability management platform that helps organizations prioritize remediation efforts with real-time intelligence that measures vulnerability risk. The report includes results of remote validation of ThreadFix.

March 18, 2022

  • Cybersecurity
  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Overview

Get a comprehensive view of the security risk to your business.

March 11, 2022

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®

Data Sheet

Managed services for attack surface management

As your organization’s digital footprint expands in size and complexity, so does your risk. Because external environments are dynamic and often difficult to manage, you should take a continuous, automated approach to securing and managing external attack surfaces.

March 4, 2022

  • Cybersecurity

Data Sheet

Application Security Assessment

Comprehensive testing and assessment that identifies live vulnerabilities and issues that threaten the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your modern and legacy applications.

February 10, 2022

  • Application security