

White Paper

Effective CISO Board Presentations

For years, CISOs have often struggled with gaining access to their Board of Directors. This white paper outlines the top five principles for navigating discussions at this level to garner support and address business needs.

December 14, 2020

  • Cyber Risk Advisory

White Paper

The Seven Elements of Secure Product Development

This whitepaper dives into how applications can often be subject to unique vulnerabilities that need to be addressed differently than common network vulnerabilities.

November 30, 2020

  • Application security

White Paper

Standing Up a Privacy Program: A User’s Guide

This white paper dives into collection strategies for inventorying data and the design process and considerations when trying to reduce exposure to unwanted regulatory scrutiny, loss of customer trust, loss of potential business opportunities, and negative press coverage.

November 18, 2020

  • Cyber Risk Advisory

White Paper

Application Security Year-Over-Year

This is a brief walkthrough of app-specific highlights from our 3rd Annual Penetration Risk Report, that shows how application security matters appear throughout our datasets.

November 13, 2020

  • Application security

White Paper

It's Digital Transformation Time

This white paper dives into the importance of having an executive leader that can manage the digital transformation and security transformation of your organization while maintaining business objectives.

October 22, 2020

  • Cyber Risk Advisory

White Paper

Physical Dangers of IoT Devices

This white paper dives into how Internet of Things devices can become a physical danger to your organization based on learnings from Coalfire Labs hackers, who successfully broke into a 3-D printer.

October 1, 2020

  • Application security