This white paper dives into how Internet of Things devices can become a physical danger to your organization based on learnings from Coalfire Labs hackers, who successfully broke into a 3-D printer.
This whitepaper dives into why a programmatic approach for HIPAA can help an organization maintain their compliance and how that can help in the long run
Gail Coury, VP & GM, Silverline at f5 Networks, and member of Coalfire’s Cloud Advisory Board, talks defining where the cloud service provider responsibility for security ends and yours as the customer begins.
Matt Sharp, CISO at Logicworks and member of Coalfire’s Cloud Advisory Board, discusses how automated discovery can combine tags to provide a clear blueprint of accountability for cloud operations.
Mark Weatherford, CSO, board member at National Cybersecurity Center, and member of Coalfire's Cloud Advisory Board, discusses why hiring and recruiting the right talent helps avoid unnecessary risk during cloud transformation.
Tony Spinelli, CIO at Urban One Inc. and member of Coalfire’s Cloud Advisory Board, outlines 3 key fundamentals when building a cloud strategy, including why governance architecture is #1.
Cloud computing is not a new paradigm, and yet, there is still uncertainty around how
the cloud affects PCI compliance for cloud service providers (CSPs), payment service
providers, and merchants.
Learn more about how Coalfire approaches enterprise cyber risk and cloud security in an effort to make a security program the most successful it can be.