


3rd Annual Penetration Risk Report

The 2020 Securealities Risk Report has uncovered several alarming trends in overall security posture that leave many organizations at risk of a breach or other exposure.

December 31, 2020

  • Cybersecurity


Introduction to ThreadFix® Tagging

In this video we will talk about how to think about tags for your ThreadFix® environment, how to set up tags and tag various items in ThreadFix, and how to use tags for reporting as well as for risk prioritization.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


Introduction to ThreadFix® Tagging Part 2

In this video we will talk about how to apply tags to vulnerabilities and vulnerability comments, and how these tags can be used to improve your remediation workflow as well as support compliance initiatives.

December 18, 2020

  • Compliance
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Filters Tutorial

Filters are a powerful capability in ThreadFix® that are used extensively in our reporting, as well as for configuring policies. In this video, we will look at how to create filters, and some of the ways they can be used to create customized views for vulnerability analysis and reporting.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Policies Tutorial

In this video we will talk about the different kinds of policies and how they can be used to support your security efforts. The four different kinds of policies are: Filter policies, Pass Criteria policies, Defect Reporter policies, and Time to Remediate policies.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Remote Provider Tutorial

In this video, we’ll discuss how remote providers can be used to automate and ease the ingestion of vulnerability data into ThreadFix®.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Roles and Permissions Tutorial

ThreadFix® is the industry-leading vulnerability resolution platform that provides a window into the state of application security programs for organizations that build software. Roles and permissions can be managed to restrict and provide access to individuals, teams and role types within ThreadFix.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


ThreadFix® Terminology Tutorial

In this video, we’ll provide an introduction to some of the commonly used terms you will come across while working in the ThreadFix® platform.

December 18, 2020

  • Application security
  • ThreadFix®


Application Security Programs

Modern development practices are continuously pushing changes through the pipeline, and point-in-time testing is not sufficient to address today's security concerns. Learn more about application security programs now in this short video.

December 15, 2020

  • Application security