
Securealities Report: 2023 Penetration Risk

September 12, 2023
Resources New Coalfire 5th Annual Pen Risk Report Resource Tile 814x460 FINAL

Offensive Security Comes of Age: From Point in Time to All the Time

Penetration testing is morphing from its previous role as an ancillary validation tool supporting annual compliance audits to an activity that improves an organization’s ability to defend, detect, and respond to relevant, real-world threats.

This year, Coalfire analyzed more than 800 penetration tests, and NowSecure looked at nearly 2,500 mobile apps.

Key insights include:

  • Many organizations are aggressively moving to the cloud – without mastering cloud security.
  • Security misconfiguration represents the top cloud vulnerability at 79%.
  • Mobile apps are rising as a core risk factor in overall enterprise attack surfaces.

This year’s report also takes a deep dive into the key trends and risks facing companies of all sizes across the retail, healthcare, financial services, and tech/cloud industries.

Fill out the form below to download your copy of the 2023 Securealities Penrisk Report: