The Threats That Are Your Weakest Link
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Coalfire published the latest report in its Securealities series, The Penetration Risk Report, and it’s based on findings from Coalfire penetration tests. It includes data drawn from engagements with businesses of all sizes, spanning financial services, retail, healthcare, and technology/cloud service providers. Some findings were contrary to current accepted wisdom on cybersecurity, while other findings confirmed long held notions for others.
- Midsized firms outperform larger competitors on a range of penetration tests designed to breach cyber defenses
- Companies’ staff remain their biggest cybersecurity weakness
- Globally, healthcare firms performed the worst on external security posture, although retail also fared badly in comparison with other sectors
The infographic below illustrates findings about cybersecurity gaps that all companies experience, what size of business is in the “sweet spot” for security posture, and why, and data on the prevalence for internal network risk across all industries.