Application security

Planning Ahead to Prevent Vulnerabilities

Coalfire Cybersecurity Team

May 28, 2020
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The cost to remediate vulnerabilities increases as those vulnerabilities make it further into the development process. If they make it into a final release, those vulnerabilities can leave organizations vulnerable to attacks, costing time and resources to address, as well as causing damage to the organization’s reputation if personally identifiable information (PII), or other critical information is compromised.

In this environment, software development and security teams find themselves faced with a difficult decision. Do you focus on building your application quickly to reduce your time to market? Or do you focus on building in security to prevent attacks? Either approach can lead to serious risk to the business. The best option is to find a balance between these two extremes, incorporating security into the development process so that you can minimize the amount of time lost resolving vulnerabilities while still building a secure application that you can take to market.

SD Elements allows you to build a profile of your application, and rapidly develop a threat model of the risks your application faces. Using information about the environment your application will operate in, as well as your compliance requirements, it generates a potential list of vulnerabilities that you may encounter. This lets you set security requirements for your developers to help avoid vulnerabilities from being introduced through the software development lifecycle (SDLC). By checking your application against these security requirements, you can measure the success of your development team in meeting these obligations.

ThreadFix® allows you to combine scans, checking your application against these security requirements with scan data from other security tools, including dynamic application security testing (DAST) and static application security testing (SAST) tools.

By integrating SD Elements with ThreadFix, you can schedule scans from SD Elements, merge them with your scans from other tools and then export those vulnerabilities as tickets for your development team to work on. By automating these tasks, you can embed security into your development processes and gain end-to-end vulnerability tracking throughout the entire SDLC.