Compliance Essentials

New Compliance Essentials Capabilities Accelerate Compliance Readiness

Fred Kost

VP, Product Marketing

May 24, 2024
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Coalfire Compliance Essentials provides a compliance automation and risk management platform that complements our assessment services expertise and extensive experience. It automates the often tedious task of compliance management and helps organizations move from manual spreadsheets to a platform for continuous compliance. In speaking with our customers, I often hear how the Compliance Essentials platform has saved them time, reduced costs, and streamlined their compliance operations. 

"By leveraging the 'Continuous Compliance module in Compliance Essentials,' we shortened the overall compliance assessment duration by 4 weeks."

New capabilities in Compliance Essentials build upon existing features to further simplify compliance and help our customers save time and reduce costs. New capabilities added to the platform help integrate compliance program activity into existing businesses workflows and simplify risk reduction for even the largest enterprises with multiple products and businesses.

New capabilities in the latest Compliance Essentials release

  • Expanded Jira Integration: Streamline operations using expanded bi-directional integration with Atlassian Jira Cloud. Allows organizations to connect multiple Jira instances and compliance projects to utilize internal ticketing system and ITSM workflows for evidence requests.
  • System-Wide Evidence Cloning: Save time by reusing existing evidence across multiple applications with one click. Allows users to add system tags and perform a system clone, reducing the number of clicks required for collecting evidence for complex enterprise clients with multiple product offerings.
  • Richer Filtering Options: Easily filter and view data sets. The Assessment List View filter allows filtering with "Or” and “And” operators to allow users to easily gain access to more specific data sets in List View.
  • Bulk Submit for Review in Continuous Compliance: Enable faster evidence submission. Users of the Continuous Compliance module can easily prepare evidence in bulk and mark ready across all framework requirements in the new Continuous Compliance List View.
  • Enhanced Assessment Dashboards: Quickly drill down into items to easily view details. Allows users to click on an item to view the evidence level details for all existing and future assessments from the assessment dashboard. Users can explore evidence status counts, evidence assignments at the individual and team level, individual framework progress, deadlines, and evidence progress by corresponding domain.
  • Shared Evidence Wizard: Assess reuse of gathered evidence to support a new framework. Allows users to quickly evaluate gathered evidence and its applicability for a new framework. Accelerate achieving new compliance goals and entering new regulated markets.

Coalfire continues to add rapid innovations to the platform that will make it easier for our customers to coordinate assessments and automate compliance. 

Compliance Essentials supports 75+ regulatory frameworks, four times more than other compliance platforms and embeds over one million hours of assessment experience and twenty-plus years of compliance expertise.

Want to learn more about how Compliance Essentials can simplify compliance automation for your organization? View the Compliance Essentials video, read the ESG Technical Validation Report for Compliance Essentials, or contact us.