
Reduce time to fix applications software vulnerabilities.

ThreadFix® SaaS Platform helps development, DevSecOps, and security consolidate, organize, and prioritize application vulnerabilities from multiple sources and enable vulnerability management shift left for DevSecOps.

Organizations can eliminate the time vulnerabilities exist in their applications by 40%.

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New ThreadFix® SaaS Platform benefits

Cloud SaaS platform

Cloud enables elastic scalability to meet surge development demands

Eliminate need to build, maintain, and secure on-premises infrastructure

Coalfire expertise designed secure multi-tenant cloud environment

People + Technology to speed up vulnerability remediation

Improve time to market with a 44% mean time to remediation

Consolidate finding to achieve 35% reduction in vulnerabilities

Build a security champions program to unite security and development

Prioritized application vulnerabilities in a consolidated view

Improve efficiency in completing remediation tasks

Achieve release deadlines from improved time to remediation

Integrate with current development processes and tools

Integrate security into DevOps processes

Vulnerability management shift left to support DevSecOps

Fix vulnerabilities earlier to reduce the cost to fix later

Find the critical flaws that delay development projects

People + tech to help you efficiently remediate vulnerabilities.

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Coalfire’s depth of expertise and application security services are supported by ThreadFix.


ThreadFix helps organizations consolidate, organize, and prioritize application software vulnerabilities from multiple sources.


With ThreadFix, you can reduce cost, release faster, and reduce risk by remediating vulnerabilities quickly and more efficiently.

Build secure software, faster.

~40% Reduced time vulnerabilities live in your application with ThreadFix

40+ Security and development tool integrations

~44% Improvement in vulnerability means less time to remediation

Get started with new ThreadFix® SaaS Platform.

Start improving application vulnerability management and your software development lifecycle today.

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