Go beyond automated tools and mature your appsec program

Promptly and effectively address vulnerabilities with Coalfire’s application security services.

Our offensive security specialists leverage Coalfire’s proprietary platform, Hexeon™, to access data and insights to help you manage the full vulnerability lifecycle. With the help of Hexeon, we help companies protect their business by employing an offensive security strategy that scales to every environment.

Why Coalfire for offensive security?

  • Enhance your cyber resiliency. With a threat-informed approach, we’ll evolve your defense and detection capabilities.
  • Gain holistic visibility. We leverage a unique blend of automation and human intelligence for real-time visibility into your attack surface.
  • Increase efficiency and minimize risk. We optimize security resources by contextualizing risk findings that reduce business impact.
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Contact us

Interested in app sec services from Coalfire? Contact us below and someone will be in touch with you.