
Smartest Path to your Secure Cloud

July 10, 2020
Resources New White Papers CAB

Coalfire, in collaboration with our Cloud Advisory Board, has developed our latest research report to advance the cybersecurity community with a real-world guide for finding the smartest path to your secure cloud.

Diving into the latest insights, market research, and firsthand experience from some of the industry’s top cloud experts, the report provides key considerations, identifies common pitfalls, and offers actionable guidance to those responsible for their organizations’ secure deployment of cloud operations, from strategy through operations, regardless of where you are on your cloud migration journey.

Key report insights include:

  • While most organizations expect cost savings from cloud migration, in reality, only 36% of survey respondents reported cost savings.
  • More than 70% of surveyed organizations use risk exposure as the primary key performance indicator (KPI) to measure the effectiveness of their security.
  • Fewer than 50% of respondents conduct a cloud readiness assessment during the planning stage, creating large blind spots that can increase risk.

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