Case Study

Armis Accelerates Compliance Journey with Coalfire via AWS Marketplace

May 16, 2024
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Key Takeaways:

  • Utilizing Coalfire's expertise and guidance in compliance advisory services, Armis swiftly penetrated regulated markets and gained a competitive advantage.
  • Armis improved operational efficiency by procuring Coalfire advisory services through the AWS Marketplace.
  • The proactive collaboration and strategic alliances among Armis, AWS, and Coalfire have fueled ongoing growth and success.


Armis, a leading asset intelligence cybersecurity company, has solidified its position in the industry by managing cyber risk exposure in real time. Leveraging the power of AWS, Armis has fostered a robust partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) over the past five years. 

In a strategic move, Armis turned to the AWS Marketplace to procure Compliance Advisory services from Coalfire, aiming to accelerate their compliance journey and expedite time-to-market of their new products. 

Coalfire's expertise in compliance frameworks and unwavering commitment to excellence positioned it as the premier choice for Armis' compliance advisory needs. With Armis' core technology architecture deeply integrated with AWS cloud infrastructure, AWS became a natural partner for its operations. 

Recognizing the potential of the AWS Marketplace, Armis explored its viability as a platform for procuring essential compliance services.


Achieving compliance is a critical milestone for cloud service providers (CSPs) seeking to operate within regulated environments. Armis faced the challenge of selecting a qualified compliance advisory services provider to ensure a smooth compliance journey. The selection process demanded careful consideration due to stringent requirements and the necessity for specialized expertise.


Coalfire emerged as Armis’ preferred choice for compliance advisory services due to its comprehensive offerings and specialized expertise. 

With a track record of serving over 700 cloud service providers, Coalfire's proven approach streamlines delivery and operations, facilitating swift entry into regulated markets. Armis found that Coalfire aligned perfectly with its compliance needs, offering the crucial capabilities required for compliance and bring new products seamlessly into the market. 

Coalfire extended a Private Offer with Flexible Payment Scheduler (FPS), enabling customized pricing, terms, and invoicing tailored to Armis’ specific needs.

The decision to utilize AWS Marketplace stemmed from its inherent advantages. Procuring through Marketplace enabled Armis to leverage approved budgets to procure professional services from a trusted AWS partner.

 Operationally, the centralized billing and AWS Marketplace console gave Armis a consolidated view of available, expired, and accepted AWS Marketplace private offers. This made it easier to make more informed purchasing decisions by accessing offers directly in the console, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

"Coalfire's comprehensive offerings and specialized expertise made them the clear choice for our compliance advisory services, aligning perfectly with our compliance needs. Utilizing the AWS Marketplace streamlined our invoicing and payment processes while providing operational visibility crucial for our efficiency - a win-win strategy for Armis."



Time and cost savings emerged as significant benefits of procuring Coalfire services through AWS Marketplace. By comparing vendors and negotiating prices through AWS Marketplace, Armis optimized its spend while expediting the procurement process. 

The streamlined contractual framework within AWS Marketplace minimized negotiation complexities, ensuring expedited engagements. Furthermore, Armis allocated specific budgetary provisions for AWS Marketplace transactions, segregating expenses for advisory services, software, and consultancy.


Armis' journey exemplifies the transformative potential of the AWS Marketplace in streamlining procurement processes and enhancing operational efficiency. By embracing the marketplace model, Armis gained important advantages in accelerating and simplifying their compliance journey with agility and expertise offered by Coalfire, achieving their goals. 

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, Armis remains steadfast in its commitment to harnessing innovative solutions for the benefit of its customers and stakeholders.