PCI DSS Compliance Services
Achieve PCI compliance successfully
Our technology and services custom-built for payment security

15+ years in helping businesses manage PCI DSS assessments
PCI (Payment Card Industry) Security Standards are technical and operational requirements set by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) to protect cardholder data. The PCI DSS (Data Security Standard) applies to all entities that store, process, transmit, and may impact cardholder data security.
Coalfire® is one of the largest PCI QSAC (Qualified Security Assessor Company) organizations globally, with expertise in managing PCI assessments for the cloud, technology, financial, payment service providers, and merchants. Coalfire can help your organization effectively manage its PCI assessments.
PCI DSS Compliance Services
PCI DSS level 1 Assessment
Coalfire’s methodology leverages its SaaS platform Compliance Essentials to efficiently deliver the Report on Compliance (ROC) while minimizing disruption and setting your organization up for long-term compliance success.
Facilitated Self-Assessment
Level 2, 3, and 4 merchants and Level 2 service providers can quickly and easily complete a PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) with guidance from one of our Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs).
Attested Self-Assessment
Coalfire utilizes its SaaS product, Compliance Essentials, to effectively collect and review information from our customers, utilizing Coalfire’s approach to evidence collection. After review and validation, the Coalfire QSA team delivers a PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire.
Penetration Testing
Our cybersecurity pen testing services can help your organization achieve compliance with PCI DSS v4.0.1 Requirement 11.4.
PCI Report on Compliance (ROC)
When you partner with Coalfire for a Report on Compliance (ROC), you'll benefit from the expertise of an experienced assessor who understands your business's security goals and possesses practical knowledge of the payment solutions and technologies you use.
This partnership ensures a comprehensive depiction of your cardholder data environment and associated risks, giving you a clear and accurate assessment of your current standing against the PCI requirements.
Moreover, you will receive independent recommendations that will help you close any identified gaps, supported by solid evidence showing that your controls are established and effective. This process confirms that cardholder data remains protected, assuring cardholders that they can confidently and safely use their payment cards.
PCI Validation and Other Payment Compliance Services
By seamlessly integrating SaaS technology with our expert guidance, we can provide the following PCI validation and other payment compliance services.
Point to Point Encryption (P2PE)
Our extensive P2PE services can address your strategic and tactical needs:
Preparation: Get to market faster – and facilitate ongoing compliance efforts – with gap and remediation services, documentation reviews, and instruction manual preparation.
Assessments: Benefit from our experience designing and assessing some of the industry’s largest, most complex solutions, as we identify and execute the best path to market through P2PE and a non-listed encryption solution assessment (NESA).
Secure Software Framework (SSF)
Validating an application to Secure Software Framework (SSF) enables you to demonstrate to acquiring banks, payment processors, card brands, and merchants that you take application security seriously. We can help you streamline the assessment process by integrating your security and compliance needs into the early stages of your payment application development lifecycle.
PCI Forensics
As soon as you suspect your network has been breached, you should contact a PCI Forensic Investigator (PFI). As one of only five PFIs that cover the U.S. and Europe, we will help you determine if someone has compromised cardholder data and when and how it may have happened.
PCI Qualified PIN Assessor (QPA)
We are a qualified company in providing personal identification number (PIN) security assessments. Second only to protecting sensitive credit card account information, safeguarding the cardholder’s PIN is one of the most important tasks for prevention of card-present fraud in retail and banking. With the continued movement toward chip-and-PIN EMV (the technology standard named for Europay, Mastercard, and Visa), it is even more crucial that entities handling PINs protect this information properly in the face of continually evolving threats.
Work with a PCI DSS leader to safeguard your customer data
People + Tech
Coalfire is one of the largest PCI certification bodies globally and through our experience conducting thousands of PCI assessments and hundreds of cloud assessments, we excel at simplifying the PCI DSS assessment process.
15+ Years of experience in conducting PCI DSS assessments
1000+ PCI DSS assessments delivered annually
You'll have access to the industry's largest and specialized team of PCI Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) and PCI Forensic Investigators (PFIs). As a founding member of the PCI Global Executive Assessor Roundtable, we regularly collaborate with the PCI Security Standards Council and card brands to develop and enhance industry standards.
We can help you coordinate assessments across more than 75+ compliance frameworks using the Coalfire Compliance Essentials compliance automation platform.
Confidently navigate compliance with the standards established by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) for storing, processing, and transmitting cardholder data to improve security outcomes and gain customer trust.
Frequently asked questions
What is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)?
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a self-regulatory program that was established by the PCI SSC in order to provide standards for payment card security and assess industry participants (merchants and service providers) to those standards and monitor compliance of their work products. Multiple programs address specific areas of payment security, and the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) administers all of them.
Is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applicable to my business?
If your business stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data, you must comply with PCI DSS. Merchants who accept payment cards should work with their acquiring bank(s) to establish the required assessment expectations. Service providers need to be aware of their customers’ expectations for PCI compliance support.
Is Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance challenging?
There are two unique aspects of PCI compliance, as compared with more common frameworks. First, the organization’s business processes and handling of customer cardholder data drive the scope. Reducing scope is the number one goal, as it limits risk and total cost.
Second, organization’s pursuing and/or using newer technologies may encounter more challenges in understanding how these component might affect their PCI environment. For these and all other instances, customer’s should consult with Coalfire to help them understand and minimize and scope.
What are some recent developments in the PCI world?
Throughout the course of 2024, the PCI SSC has issued numerous FAQs to help merchants, service providers, and assessor companies. Some of these include the following. The PCI SSC maintains a full listing on their FAQ website.
- 1583 - What is the completion date for PCI DSS assessments documented in a Report on Compliance and its related Attestations of Compliance?
- 1581 - How does PCI DSS Requirement 6.4.3 apply to 3DS scripts called from a merchant check-out page as part of 3DS processing?
- 1580 - What is the scope of a PCI DSS assessment for service providers that can impact the security of payment account data, if the service provider does not directly store, process, or transmit payment account data?
- 1577 - What does “console access” mean for PCI DSS Requirements 8.4.1 and 8.4.2?
- 1572 - Can a compensating control be used for requirements with a periodic or defined frequency, where an entity did not perform the activity within the required timeframe?
- 1382 - Can a partial PCI DSS assessment be documented in a Report on Compliance (ROC)?
- 1152 - Can entities be PCI DSS compliant if they have performed vulnerability scans at least once every three months, but do not have four "passing" scans?
How can Coalfire help my organization with becoming PCI DSS compliant?
Coalfire offers a set of comprehensive services to support organizations throughout the PCI lifecycle. Our portfolio of solutions includes, compliance program support, DSS 4.0.1 preparation, and assessments. You can support the latter with a self-assessment or a full Report on Compliance (ROC).