
Smartest Path to DevSecOps Transformation

October 13, 2021
Resources New 814 Dev Sec Ops

Coalfire, in collaboration with our Cloud Advisory Board, has developed our latest report to advance the cybersecurity community with a how-to guide for navigating the smartest path to DevSecOps transformation.

This e-book provides a practical approach to DevSecOps transformation and outlines the best-practice path to secure cloud application development and management. Contributors include Coalfire security experts and our industry-leading Cloud Advisory Board, comprising some of the world’s most experienced C-level cyber leaders.

Key insights include:

  • Breaking the model of how CISOs report to the board and how to show how security protects each product along its unique journey to the customer and leverage executive dashboards with continuous metrics.
  • Enhancing security governance by leveraging additional qualitative metrics in addition to the quantitative metrics most are focused on today.
  • Enlisting AppSec champions for support and scalability.

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