
Cloud-Native Security Trends and Insights

April 25, 2021
Resources New White Papers 814 cloud native security

Developed in collaboration with ESG, TechTarget’s research and analyst division, Coalfire's latest Securealities research report provides actionable guidance for navigating the complexities of cloud-native security, helping you to find the smartest path to your secure cloud.

The move to cloud-native is unabated, and complexity continues to compound as organizations contend with managing increasingly heterogeneous environments. This research report details the current trends, challenges, and opportunities that organizations should consider as the acceleration of cloud-native adoption continues.

Forecasted trends over the next 24 months:

  • Cloud-native is quickly becoming the new normal, with a 50% increase in cloud-resident workloads expected.
  • IT architectures are increasingly complex — container usage is anticipated to grow 30%.
  • A minority of organizations have fully embraced DevSecOps— only 32% have extensively incorporated security into the DevOps process.
  • The need for breadth, coverage, and depth of functionality is leading to the consolidation of point security tools— 73% of organizations prefer building a consolidated, centrally-managed set of controls.

Download the report to read more insights and analysis from our research.

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